Monday, April 4, 2016

Glorious Mornings

I think mornings are my favorite part of being a WAHM. I am not a morning person. Never have been. Setting alarms and waking up at the crack of dawn (or before dawn!) was a miserable existence for me. No matter how much sleep I got, I never felt rested when a noise woke me from my sleep and forced me from my bed every morning.

Being a WAHM, I wake up naturally and feel rested! You heard that right: I have a 3-month-old and I feel rested. I know how fortunate I am to have a baby that enjoys sleeping at night as much as I do. She and I wake up a few times over the course of the night to nurse, but it’s usually not for long and we fall right back to sleep. Unless I have an early morning appointment, we can get up when we please. On a good morning, that’s around 7:00 or 7:30. If it’s following a night like last night that was a bit rough, it’s closer to 8:30. But that’s okay: I have no morning commute and no boss or company policy telling me when I have to begin working!

Almost every morning, I’m given the gift of being able to watch my baby wake up. She catnaps in the morning, drifting in and out of dreaming and awaking. I stare at her in wonder and love. When she finally wakes enough to notice my face, her whole face brightens up and she smiles. She is so happy to see me and I'm so happy to spend another day with her! All is well in her world and in mine.

First thing’s first: a new diaper. I kiss my husband goodbye if he’s off to the office. I tidy up the kitchen. I sit down on the couch leisurely to catch up on email and news. Before I know it, it’s 10:00 and I haven’t showered or dressed yet. And that’s okay. I’m a WAHM, my baby is happy, and my schedule is mostly my own.

And just as I was finishing writing this and ready to post it, we had a poop explosion which prompted an emergency baby bath and couch cushion laundry load. Good thing I hadn’t showered yet. Ah, the life of a mother.

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