Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday Question: Am I a Bad Role Model for My Daughter Because I Stay Home?

Do You Feel Like a Bad Role Model to Your Daughter by Staying at Home?

No. I am showing my daughter that I was given a choice: take on full-time work outside of the home or spend as much time with her as I could. I'm thankful that I have this choice, and right now in this stage of my life, I choose this. I may choose to work full-time out of the home later in her life. But for right now, I'm a career woman who just so happens to be building my own business in my home part-time while caring for my baby. I want my daughter to know that she too may some day be offered that choice. I want her to know that she can choose to have a career and still also be a mother if that's what she wants.

Current Challenge

Fussy bedtimes. She's tired. It's past the time she usually falls asleep. But she fights it. She'd rather fuss and cry than give in to sleep. This exhausts me at night. I have this fantasy that I get some work done in the evening, but after struggling to get her to finally drift off, all I want to do is snuggle on the couch with my husband and veg out.

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